A very warm welcome on behalf of everybody at Ishtiaq Steel Industry. Ishtiaq Steel has been the name of quality steel products in the country for many decades now. Ishtiaq Steel Industry is the only organization in Pakistan which prepares Heavy Sections.

Michael S. Lawson

metal worker

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Curabitur semper pulvinar elit, vitae rhoncus lacus eleifend non. Ut sit amet enim nulla. Mauris non semper augue. Sed quis velit ut risus mollis faucibus. Maecenas leo metus, scelerisque at dictum sed, sodales et nibh.

Duis posuere mi vitae mollis scelerisque. In hac habitasse platea dictumst


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Weldo Metal Fabrication

Ishtiaq Steel Industry is the largest and one of the oldest manufacturers of Re-rolling steel sections in Pakistan. Since 1975 from their Initial operations, Ishtiaq Steel was involved in the production of mild steel.

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