A very warm welcome on behalf of everybody at Ishtiaq Steel Industry. Ishtiaq Steel has been the name of quality steel products in the country for many decades now. Ishtiaq Steel Industry is the only organization in Pakistan which prepares Heavy Sections.
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum sagittis orci ac odio dictum tincidunt. Donec ut metus leo. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Sed luctus, dui eu sagittis sodales, nulla nibh sagittis augue, vel porttitor diam enim non metus. Vestibulum aliquam augue neque. Phasellus tincidunt odio eget ullamcorper efficitur. Cras placerat ut turpis pellentesque vulputate. Nam sed consequat tortor. Curabitur finibus sapien dolor. Ut eleifend tellus nec erat pulvinar dignissim. Nam non arcu purus. Vivamus et massa massa.


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Ishtiaq Steel Industry is the largest and one of the oldest manufacturers of Re-rolling steel sections in Pakistan. Since 1975 from their Initial operations, Ishtiaq Steel was involved in the production of mild steel.

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